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Integration services

View our adviser software partners, the integration services we provide and how to get set up.

How does it work

The Aberdeen platform has integration with most of the adviser software providers. Bulk valuations and Electronic Remuneration Statements (EDI) can be set up.

Electronic Remuneration Statements (EDI)

This enables you to receive your Electronic Remuneration Statements to your chosen systems.

Bulk valuations

Receive daily automated valuations for all your platform customers into your chosen system.

Please note - If you are receiving your platform valuations via 'Contract Enquiry', this service will be ending soon.

  • If Aberdeen bulk valuations is available for your system, you can follow the process below to switch now.
  • If bulk valuations is not available yet, continue using ‘Contract Enquiry’ and we will let you know when it’s available.

Getting set up

If your firm is not already using EDI or bulk valuations, please check the provider table below and send an email to:

Within the email, we need the following information:

  • Email subject header ‘Back Office Integration’. This will help us direct your request automatically to the right area
  • Adviser firm name
  • FCA number
  • Service required - Electronic Remuneration (EDI), Bulk valuations or Both
  • Software provider(s) name - please check availability in the table below
  • Confirmation that the person submitting the email has the authority to act on behalf of your firm, authorising us to send your client data to your chosen adviser system.

You will receive an email confirmation when this request has been completed.

Integration partners

Please check availability from the table below. If you need support enabling or using the integration services in your adviser system, please contact your adviser system provider for this.

Back office system Bulk Valuations EDI
AdviceObjects  Yes No
Adviser Cloud Yes Yes
Benckmark (Enable) Yes  Yes
Contengo Yes No
Dynamic Planner Yes Not available
Durell No Yes
Family Capital Yes No
Figure Out  Coming soon Yes
Intelliflo Yes Yes
IRESS Xplan Coming soon Yes
JCS No Yes
MoneyInfo Yes Not available
Plannr Yes Yes
Synaptic Pathways Yes Yes
Time4 Advice CURO Coming soon Coming soon
Twenty7tecFINPLAN Yes, using your abrdn firm ID as the Connect ID Yes
Wealthcraft (formerly Plum Software) No Yes